Self-sustainable intelligent module for city green infrastructure
Leader: CommLED, Szymon Rusinowski, PhD
CommLED is during development of light control fully adjustable system "Lightmind" which is built upon idea of communication of multiple devices (IoT) and decision making framework within the system to provide required light conditions within the warehouse, offices, etc.
The adjustment of the existing system will be based on the development software which will collect data from air and soil temperature and moisture sensors as well as from PM10 and PM2.5 sensor, pyranometer, air humidity and temperature sensor etc. Those data will be collected remotely on the server in the Relational Databases from which it will be possible to stream real time state of the self-sustainable green module and the surrounding environment (i.e. by project website).
The underground tank will be used as rain water reservoir for the drought periods. The water by irrigation system will be provide when programmed water deficit will be detected by sensor as well as when the temperature and solar radiation in the environment will allow for irrigation. Specially design plant holding matrix will allow to free flow of water through the plant cover. The matrix will be divided into section from which data will be collected.
Whole solution will be power supplied by specially design photovoltaic off-grid system for his purpose.