Project News

#MOD4GRIN – Conference summarising the project

- Yesterday, guests of the conference summarising the results of the MOD4GRIN project were shown a self-sufficient, intelligent module of green urban infrastructure. It was prepared by scientists from IETU and the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research. The module is equipped with an energy supply system consisting of photovoltaic panels and energy storage, as well as a communication infrastructure enabling the transfer of measurement data. Apart from that it also has an air quality monitoring system and an automatic irrigation system. It is planted with native plant species selected from xerothermic grasslands and propagated in the nursery located on the IETU premises.

We collect data and test green modules

At the beginning of the growing season, plant species were planted that were selected from calcareous grasslands and propagated in a nursery at the IETU. The plants are characterised by different growth forms and functional properties and come from the native flora (native species were selected for both the module in Poland and Norway). They are characterised by their resilience to stress factors that occur in the urban environment, such as: different access to water resources, high/low temperatures or pollution. For the Polish module, Festuca ovina, Potentilla reptans, Trifolium repens, Sedum acre, Dianthus carthusianorum, Salvinia verticillata, Fragaria viridis, Achillea millefolium or Carex flacca were selected. The planting was done on the roof of the module (green roof) as well as on the green wall and at the foot of the module. Along with the planting of the plants, all green module condition monitoring systems were launched.

Scientific internship in NIBIO Særheim

Representatives of the Institute of Ecology of Industrial Areas, Dr. Marta Pogrzeba, IETU Associate professor, and M.Sc. Alicja Szada-Borzyszkowska, are from July 22, 2023, on a one-month scientific internship at NIBIO Særheim in Norway as part of the Mod4GrIn project.

The aim of the internship is to exchange knowledge and experience in conducting research on the creation of green walls and roofs for buildings in urban space, using native plant species resistant to environmental stress, as well as working together in the project.